What was the project, Abhishek?
It was a five-day camp in a rural village near Bengaluru City. We were there to do surveys, collect and evaluate data from the local people, and raise awareness about some important development themes. There were five key themes during the week: community development, health and hygiene, children’s rights, empowering women and young people, and sustainability and the environment.
What did your work involve?
Every day we organised rallies to mobilise the local people and encourage them to come to our cultural programme. Then we’d perform songs, acts, mimes and dance, and present short films, to explain the different themes. For the health and hygiene day, we worked with a government hospital and a doctor provided free checkups for the villagers. On the last day, we cleaned the entire village while raising awareness about how pollution affects the environment.
Were there any challenges?
There was a barrier in terms of language as we use English while the villagers there speak Kannada. But our documentation team had done some translations, which helped us collect data during the surveys. Overall, though, the camp was a great experience, and I think we made a real difference to the community. We even had our pictures in some of the Bengaluru newspapers!
I’d just like to thank my sponsors at DGHUK for helping and supporting me too. It’s because of them that I’m able to study here and receive a quality education. I’m forever grateful.
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Image: a write-up in the New Indian Express newspaper