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When people hear about the DGH sponsorship scheme, one of the first questions they ask is:

“How much does it cost to sponsor a child at Dr Graham’s Homes?”

It’s a good question! And it really has two answers. The short answer is there’s no set figure for giving to DGH. We welcome donations of any size and shape. Every penny we receive will help to support the children’s presence at the Homes.

The slightly longer answer, though, is that it currently costs £1,500 per year (or £1,200/year with Gift Aid) to care for a child at Dr Graham’s Homes. That figure covers their education fees, and the costs of their welfare and accommodation at the Kalimpong campus. On one level, it’s amazing value for an initiative that can be completely life-changing. But it’s also a significant sum for many individuals.

Which is where group sponsorship comes in.

What is group sponsorship?

Quite simply, it means banding together with other like minded people to share the annual costs of sponsoring a child’s schooling at DGH. You could be two people, or several dozen. We have supporters who do it through their church, their school, their workplace – or simply among friends. Emma, who features in our Sponsors’ video below, is part of a large group which sponsors a child called Chenelle. “I got together with 19 of my friends,” she explains. “Together, we’re paying £50 [each] a year. Everyone’s got really onboard with the idea. They’ve all been really excited about it.”

How do you start one?

Once you’ve gathered your sponsors, choose a name for your group. Then get in touch with the DGHUK Sponsorship Secretaries. They’ll send donation forms for each group member. Let us know the figure each person will send each month, quarter or year, and whether we can claim Gift Aid on their donation. DGH will link you to a child, and make sure all your donations are channelled to that child. We’ll also keep you up to date with their news and progress through the year. “Everybody has loved receiving Chenelle’s school report and her letters,” says Emma. “It’s that personal relationship that makes it really appealing. And it’s really making a difference to her life.”

What will our donations support?

The full support package basically covers everything your sponsored child needs during the school year. We’ll use it to pay their fees for the school. It will also cover their lodging in the campus Cottage boarding system, care from the live-in staff, and all their meals. It will even help us to provide them with school uniforms and gift money towards holidays, birthdays and similar occasions. As Emma puts it, “You know that your money is enabling that child to be there, and you actually get to be a part of that child’s life.”

If you’re interested in finding out more about group sponsorship, please drop the DGHUK Secretaries a line. They’ll be delighted to answer your questions and get you started.

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Watch Emma’s group sponsorship story