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What does it feel like to be a sponsored pupil at Dr Graham’s Homes?

David was just six years old when he joined the school. Born and bred in Kalimpong, not far from the campus, his family were very familiar with the Homes – but lacked the means to support his schooling. Thanks to the DGHUK sponsorship scheme, they successfully applied for funding to cover his school fees.

Now in his early 20s and supporting his mother and siblings while he continues with further studies, David reflects on life at Dr Graham’s Homes and what it meant for him.

How did you come to study at Dr Graham’s Homes?

I joined when I was six years old. My father worked as a taxi driver. My mother was a housewife. They couldn’t afford the school fees, so they applied for a sponsorship from DGHUK. I didn’t know much about it at the time because I was just a small kid. But, over time, I realised what my parents had done for me by enabling me to study in this wonderful place.

Did you face any challenges while you were there?

When I was 14, my father passed away. It was a very difficult time for us. My father was the only one who was earning, and my mother was left with three kids to look after. Fortunately, the school helped me through that. I felt the support was always there for me no matter what. My only regret is that, when I started to do really well at school, my father wasn’t there to see it. I wish he could have been.

Would you like to sponsor a pupil yourself one day?

Definitely. If I get a good job in the future, I’d like to sponsor a child. I want to continue the legacy – to pass on the gratitude I feel to someone else, so they can grab this opportunity and use it to make the best of their life. I’m so thankful to the Homes for their endless support; for never losing hope in me. Whatever I am today is because of Dr Graham’s Homes by the Grace of God.

Keep reading…

You can read a longer interview with David in the Stories section of our website. Click here to see the full article.

Young David (bottom row, third from right) and school friends from Hart Cottage, Dr Graham's Homes