When it comes to supporting the Homes, there’s no such thing as too much publicity. (Dr Graham, after all, was a famously brilliant publicist!)
So we were delighted to hear that DGHUK trustee Pat Lomax has just been on the radio to talk about the Homes and the work they do for our sponsored children in India. Pat, who joined our trustee board this month, was interviewed for a recent episode of Christian radio show Heart of the Matter. Based in Scotland, Heart of the Matter is a weekly programme where different people are asked to speak about their life, careers and faith and which, thanks to the internet, goes out all over the world.
In the interview with broadcaster Ruth Aird (pictured, right, with husband and fellow broadcaster David), Pat explains how the Homes came about, how our charity supports it, and why she wanted to get involved with the work. You can listen online to the whole half-hour interview, which is interspersed with songs (see the link below). But here’s a brief extract…
Your involvement [with DGH] started back in 2010 – is that right?
"Originally, many years ago, I had seen a cine film of the Homes and – I have to confess – at that time it was the scenery that grabbed me! I thought, “Oh I want to go there…” [In the film] there was a lovely shot of Dr Graham on his pony, with the backdrop of the Himalayas behind him, and it was just so lovely. And I’m afraid that’s all I remember, properly. However, over the years, Dr Graham’s Homes just seems to have come up through my life, one way or another. So I became interested, and then I had an opportunity to visit in 2010 when I was there for work purposes. It was quite easy to arrange a visit because they have a guest house… But it was when I was at the Homes that I had a feeling that perhaps I was meant to go back again. And that feeling never left me, although it was very much in the background until relatively recently. Then, a few years ago, it very much came to the fore and I really felt quite definitely that I was meant to go back to India… That was the beginning of it."
Listen to the interview
You can hear the full programme on Heart of the Matter’s website. To listen online, click here:
In the interview, Pat also talks about her visit to Dr Graham’s Homes in 2023. You can read more about that – and see the fantastic pictures she took in Kalimpong – in this news article: DR GRAHAM’S HOMES: A PHOTO JOURNAL