Are you a Member or Friend of our charity? If so, we’d love to see you at our Annual General Meeting - one of the key events in the DGHUK calendar. The 2024 AGM is returning to our regular Edinburgh venue on Wednesday 15 May 2024. It will be followed, as ever, by an excellent Curry Lunch. To be sure of your place, please book by Tuesday 30 April at the latest (see “How do I book?” below).
Where and when is the AGM?
We’re holding the AGM at our normal venue, The Royal Scots Club in Edinburgh. Tea and coffee will be served from 10:30am and the meeting itself starts at 11am. The buffet curry will be served from 12:45pm. If you can’t make it to Edinburgh, we can also arrange for you to attend by Zoom (if you indicate that you’d like to join by Zoom, we’ll send more details closer to the time).
Who is the DGHUK AGM for?
The AGM is open to all Members and Friends of DGHUK - though please note that only Members are eligible to vote. If you’re not certain whether you are a Member or a Friend, don’t worry! Just drop the sponsorship secretaries a line and they will be able to let you know. You can reach them here.
What’s on the agenda for 2024?
The meeting will open with all our official AGM business. There will be reports from the Chair and the Treasurer. We will also update you on some recent appointments, retirements and fundraising news. After a short break, we’ll hear more from the Sponsorship Secretaries, the Joint Independent Review Committee and members of GO (the Global Alumni Association). We’re expecting representatives from the Board of Management to join us from India. You can view and print the Agenda here. We will also be holding a raffle to raise funds for games equipment in the Cottages.
How do I book?
Numbers are limited for the Curry Lunch, so please email the DGHUK Secretary - - by 30 April at the latest to secure your place. Please tell her:
- your name
- the names of any guests you plan to bring
- whether you would like to attend the AGM or the Curry Lunch - or both any dietary requirements
- if you would like to pay in advance by bank transfer
- if you would prefer to attend by Zoom
How much does it cost?
The lunch costs £25, which includes a glass of wine + tea / coffee. You can pay for this on the day by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Dr Graham’s Homes Kalimpong (UK). You can also pay in advance by bank transfer - the Secretary will send you our bank details.
Download the 2024 AGM key documents
Click on the following links to view and print all the details for this year’s meeting AGM 2024 Invitation Provisional 2024 Agenda
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