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When it comes to fundraising, few projects are as spectacular – or spectacularly exhausting – as BikeforDGH.

The five-day event, originally inspired by Honorary Vice President John Webster in 2006, challenges a team of DGH supporters to cycle through part of the Himalayas in aid of the Homes.

This year’s event starts on 17 September and two of the cyclists – Karen Hills and Janet Connor – will be using it in part to support our sponsorship scheme (donation details below!).

Launchpad Bhutan

BikeforDGH 2024 is pretty ambitious! This year’s challenge lasts for five days and 250 miles. It begins in the beautiful kingdom of Bhutan, which was closed to foreigners until the 1970s. “With luck on our side, we may get a chance to shake hands with the newly-elected prime minister of Bhutan, Mr. Tshering Tobgay, who happens to be an alumnus of DGH,” smiles expedition organiser Tenzing Norsang.

Destination Kalimpong

A mere 250 miles later, the team end their quest at the Homes themselves. When the cyclists were last here two years ago, they were serenaded through the streets by bagpipers. Can they expect a similar welcome this time? Apparently so. “The welcome the cyclists receive at the campus never gets old,” says Tenzing. “The struggle [is] all worth it, every sweat and penny raised.”

In aid of Dr Graham’s Homes

With just days to go before they fly to Bhutan, a big thank you from us to Karen and Janet. Half the money they raise will go towards DGHUK and the work we do with sponsored children. “All the proceeds will be split equally between DGHUK and planned renovation works at the school,” they explain. “This is a fully self-funded event, so all the money that we raise will benefit the school.”

Would you be interested in helping Karen and Janet towards their total? They’d be delighted if you would consider supporting their adventure.

You can donate through their fundraising page at Just Giving:

Karen & Janet’s Himalayan cycle ride for Dr Graham's Homes

Good luck to everyone who’s taking part! 🚲